We already donated our Jewish baseball player replica artwork to hang in your building, and 500 other buildings

Now, we are hand picking 25 of you to receive $5,000 via our flawless raffle fundraiser.

We will reserve one of our limited remaining originally hand signed $6,500 pieces for those selected to use.

Each organization selected will receive $10,000 worth of Grand Prizes and Consolation Prizes.


The Passover – Raffle Question:

Why is this raffle different than all other raffles?



Because we bribe people to buy tickets from you. We guarantee them that they will win. EVERY SINGLE RAFFLE TICKET BUYER WINS. Yes, that’s right. Whatever money they spend on tickets, they get a gift at a value far exceeding the amount that they spent.  It couldn’t be easier to sell tickets.

This easy, no effort, no up-front cost, fundraiser will earn you $5,000 if selected.


Simply register below to apply.


Click Here To See Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

Click Here To See A Demo Of What Your Promotional Page Will Look Like

Our Role:

  • We provide $10,000 in prizes:
    •  Grand Prize Package, including Originally Hand Signed Artwork ($8,000 Value).
    •  9 Consolation Prizes
    •  A GUARANTEED PRIZE FOR EVERY SINGLE RAFFLE PURCHASER valued at more than their raffle purchase
  • We will set up a webpage specifically to run your raffle, with your name, logo, etc.
  • We will send you the pre-made emails, facebook posts and tweets to forward to your organization’s contacts
  • We will send you the pre-made marketing materials via email for you to print if you like or forward as part of the email campaign
  • We will send you pre-made raffle tickets in case you want to sell tickets in person, in addition to online

Your Role:

  • Collect the money
  • Draw the winners
  • Earn $5,000 or more in funds for your organization

Original Artwork Fundraiser Registration



Sandy Koufax – Hall of Famer and World Series Champion


Ron Blomberg – Former NY Yankee & 1st DH Ever

Bud Selig

Bud Selig – Hall of Famer & Former MLB Commissioner

Marvin Miller

Marvin Miller – 1st Executive Director of MLB (1917 – 2012)

Larry King

Larry King – TV Personality

Ian Kinsler

Ian Kinsler – 4x All Star and Gold Glover

Kevin Youkilis

Kevin Youkilis – 2x World Series Champ