Imagine Baseball Hall of Famer Fergie Jenkins
as the Spokesman For Your Organization
Over the years, the Fergie Jenkins Foundation has earned significant funds from the Jews in Baseball project. Now, Fergie himself has offered to partner with 10 other organizations to support them.
Who Is Eligible?
Fergie will be the spokesman for up to 10 qualifying non-profit or other legitimate organizations, whether Jewish based or not. Combining Fergie’s celebrity status with the fundraising power of the Jewish Baseball Player artwork pictured below, each qualifying organization is expected to earn $50,000 to $100,000 to support their mission.
Each Chosen Organization Will Receive:
- Either 25 or 50 pieces of originally hand signed artwork, with retail price of $6,500 each
- Hall of Famer Fergie Jenkins as your celebrity spokesman
What Does it Mean to have Fergie as your Spokesman?
- Fergie will do a personal appearance at your fundraiser, or at an exclusive meet and greet with your buyers of the artwork.
- Each purchaser of the artwork will also receive a jersey signed by Fergie himself.
- Fergie will personally reach out and make contact with each big donor and purchaser on your behalf.
Only 10 Spots Available — Contact Us Now For More Info
About the Artwork
This piece of Jewish baseball history depicts 36 Jewish baseball players, executives and celebrities, including Hall of Famer, Sandy Koufax, MVPs Al Rosen and Ryan Braun, current star Ian Kinsler, former commissioner Bud Selig, and even Larry King and Rob Reiner. Each piece is certified authentic by MLB and originally hand autographed by the 26 players. The average sales price of the Jews in Baseball artwork collection is $8,400, based on actual sales to date.
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